Schlesinger Preserve - 95 Crine Road


In January, 1983 the township of Colts Neck was the recipient of a 39.31 acre track of land on Crine Road. The land was the donation of Kurt and Annemarie Schlesinger, long time Township Residents, who designated that the site be preserved for recreation, park and conservation purposes.


Hiking Trails

Schlesinger Preserve has a loop trail leading through a variety of ecosystems. The front loop of the trail is approximately 3/4 of a mile in length. It connects to the 1 1/4 mile back loop over a small bridge. The back loop connects to the Big Brook trail system. Click here for a map of the front loop.


Picnic Areas

Schlesinger Preserve has a small picnic area at the entrance of the trail.


Nature Study

The nature of the property provides a unique glimpse of the Township's natural past. The property is a rare blend of upland forest and wetlands. The site includes an Oak-Beech Forest that rises gently as it moves away from the park entrance. The forest descends to an area of secondary growth featuring Red Maple, Black Locust, Black Cherry and Spicebush. After crossing a stream area, the property again rises to an open field, with excellent overall views. The property again rolls down to an open wetlands area, and then upward to the upland Tulip Tree Forest. From there, the land slopes toward the Big Brook and the rear boarder of the property.