Enjoy our parks, but please be aware of the following hazards in the interest of your safety.


Poison Ivy


Poison ivy is distinctive because its leaves come in threes. But the plant can be confusing because it grows along the ground and it also climbs trees, sometimes on vines as thick as an arm. Notice that some leaves are lobed or winged. The leaves may be shiny or dull. If you rub against it, it can cause very itchy rash that can last for days. In the spring and summer, the leaves are various shades of green. In the fall it turns brilliant red. In the winter the vines loose their leaves.

 There are several other common plants that are easily confused with poison ivy. These plants are not poisonous.



Lyme Disease


Ticks are especially active from April to October and may transmit Lyme Disease. Minimize your skin exposure by wearing a hat, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants tucked into socks, and light colored clothing. Inspect yourself, your family, and/or pet(s) after being outdoors. Ticks. Remove ticks promptly. Use a fine point tweezers to grasp it at its mouth part. Pull gently and firmly until it releases. An alcohol-soaked cotton ball may help to loosen its grasp. Although Lyme Disease is readily treatable, early detection is important. Contact your doctor if you notice an expanding red patch or rash, have flu-like symptoms, joint pain, or any other unusual symptom(s).





Wildlife may carry rabies. For risk of contracting the disease, please do not approach, or let your pets approach, any wild animal.